In the wallet PLATFORM' target='_blank' title='digital-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>digital age, the word "cryptocurrency" has grown in popularity. It is now frequently covered in the news and is beginning to reach the general population. In India, cryptocurrency trading is also taking place. Private cryptocurrencies are about to be banned, and the Reserve Bank's unique cryptocurrency will be introduced. The cryptocurrency in this situation,has transformed totally and you need to know some key points.

* According to statistics, there are 1.5 to 2.0 crore crypto investors in India.

* Around Rs. 40,000 crore has been invested in cryptocurrency.

* The world's most valuable cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, is worth $ 60,000.

* Its price has more than doubled since the beginning of the year, attracting local indian investors as well.

* In recent months, the number of adverts promising quick and huge profits on cryptocurrency investments has increased.

* It was also accused of deceiving investors, according to others.

* The Reserve bank of australia has expressed strong reservations regarding the use of private cryptocurrencies.

* Preparations are being made to introduce a new measure in parliament during the winter session.

* Cryptocurrency and the Official wallet PLATFORM' target='_blank' title='digital-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>digital currency Regulation Bill 2021 is the name of the bill being created.

* The usage of cryptocurrencies for transactions or payments is likely to be prohibited by the federal government.

* It is also intended to promote cryptocurrency technology and applications.

* Once bitcoin trading is regulated, these modifications are expected to make the cryptocurrency market operate similarly to the stock market.

* In the meanwhile, it appears that the Federal Reserve will issue a new cryptocurrency as a backup.

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