CM stalin himself walked down the streets of Chenani despite rains at midnight 1 am and ensured the waters are drained and people don't suffer. He also told the officers to take whatever procedures were necessary to return the people to normalcy. In addition, relief camps are being established to assist flood victims, as well as dedicated medical camps to address ailments prevalent during the monsoon season.

Following this, chief minister stalin inspected flood-affected regions in chennai, Thiruvikanagar Zone, Dimulus Road, Pattalam, and Puliyanthoppu Highway this morning and ordered officers to take prompt action to clear rainwater gathered on the roads. The chief minister, M.K. stalin, then examined the floodwaters produced by heavy rains in the canal in chennai, Thiyagaraya Nagar, and Vijayaragavachari road districts at around 1.30 a.m. In addition, G.N. He checked the road, Pashulla Road, and Thirumalai Road for severe rains and asked the officers to remove the accumulated rainwater as soon as possible.

Later he met the press and said, "Meteorologists in chennai claim this is only the fourth occasion in the last 200 years that 1000 mm of rain has fallen in a single month. Even under such strong rainfall, preventing casualties; Minimize property damage; Vulnerabilities are quickly repaired; All departmental officials, including the corporation, the power sector, the public works department, the revenue department, and the police, have been working tirelessly all day in the pouring rain to ensure that the situation is under control.

It doesn't matter how much we thank them; it will never be enough! Because severe rains are expected to persist for the next few days, I urge all people's representatives and government officials to continue working in the field regardless of the time or location. I'll be the first to arrive with you, and I'll also be on the field with you."

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