On september 23, 1993, shalini pandey was born in jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh. Pandey worked as a theatrical artist in jabalpur before to making her acting debut in 2017 in Sandeep reddy Vanga's directing debut arjun Reddy. According to a Starsunfolded story, the actress attended Christ Church Girls Higher Secondary school for her first year of school before transferring to Global Engineering college to pursue a B Tech in CSE. shalini made her bollywood debut in 2018 with Meri Nimmo, where she had a cameo part, after arjun Reddy. She portrayed Savitri's companion in the telugu movie Mahanati, which was a huge box-office hit, that same year.
In 2019, the gifted actress released five motion pictures. She portrayed Sowcar Janaki in the telugu movie NTR: Kathanayakudu before starring opposite Nandamuri ram -Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>kalyan ram in the lead role in telugu movie 118. Later the same year, Pandey starred alongside G. V. Prakash Kumar in her first tamil film, 100% Kadhal, as a college student. shalini joined a college theatre club during her graduation year and decided to give acting a try. She took part in several theatrical productions. But the actor's father never supported her ambition to become an actress.
The Maharaj actress stated, "I told him (her father) to let me go to mumbai and try my luck for a week," in a nostalgic interview. Only after purchasing my return ticket did he do so! But once I arrived, he called me often and insisted that I come back. I was certain that he could return and help me follow the job he believed would be safer and more suitable for me. In response to my email, he said he would contact the police to try to locate me. I assured him that I would follow suit and inform them that he was abusing me! I was an adult.
Shalini Pandey responded to intense body shaming and harassment following her debut film in a recent interview with india Today. "I was really body-shamed back then," the woman stated. In addition, I didn't grasp the language because I was new and from the South, and my bosses at the time merely took advantage of my ignorance to force me to do things."