On august 15, 2024, as india celebrated its 78th Independence Day, Bollywood’s biggest names came together to honor the occasion. Stars like Akshay Kumar, kangana ranaut, Sunny Deol, and anupam kher lit up social media with their heartfelt tributes, sharing patriotic messages that resonated with millions. The spirit of the day was palpable, with celebrities embracing the national pride with fervor. Adding to the excitement, a video of salman khan with the indian flag went viral, capturing the hearts of fans across the nation.
In a video shared by the well-known paparazzo account Filmygyan, salman khan was spotted outside the airport, making headlines once again. Before heading inside, the ever-gracious superstar took a moment to pose for pictures with both shutterbugs and police personnel. As the cameras continued to flash, the paps requested the *Tiger 3* star to pose with the indian flag, proudly hoisted above him. Initially unaware, salman quickly recognized the significance of the moment, pointing towards the tri-color with a smile. The heartwarming gesture has since gone viral, capturing the attention of fans across social media.Salman Khan is known for sharing a very strong bond with his father, screenwriter-producer Salim Khan. From accompanying his father to almost every event to showing immense care and respect for him, the actor’s feelings for his father are nothing but dripping with love and admiration. His latest post is yet another proof of salman khan and his father’s adorable connection. The father-son duo recently attended the trailer launch of Angry Young Men with their other family members in Mumbai. Sharing a picture from the event, the tiger 3 actor could be seen posing with his “Dadlee” father.
On both his instagram and X handles, salman shared the photo with salim khan where he stands behind his father, who remains seated on a chair. “DadLee Man – My father God,” he wrote. While salman opted for a full-sleeved black Tee with faded jeans, the veteran screenwriter chose a light shirt with white trousers and a puffer jacket.
Salman Khan is currently shooting for Sikandar with rashmika Mandanna. The film is all set for Eid 2025 release. The actor’s look also went viral. The film has been grabbing headlines ever since it was announced.