Kishkindha Kaandam, a slow-burning thriller in Malayalam, has finally begun to broadcast on OTT after much anticipation. Despite lacking action, music, a large budget, or sophisticated visual effects, the film, which was made on a cheap 7 crore budget, made over 70 crores in Malayalam. It is now dazzling viewers on OTT after enthralling crowds in cinemas. 

The film, which has gotten great reviews, is just as good on OTT. For its intended demographic, the slow-moving narrative works like a charm. The slow build-up to the finale is evocative of excellent Korean thrillers, which are renowned for their command of international filmmaking.

However, some viewers complain about delays and a lack of exciting moments, calling the movie plodding and dull. Some people are claiming that there are no definitive solutions at the conclusion. Some people are addicted to fast-paced thrillers with lots of twists and turns, while others are accustomed to intense commercial masala flicks with regular action sequences. For them, Kishkindha Kaandam is not suitable.
The film's deliberate slow-burning suspense style isn't the result of poor composition or pacing. It is intended for those who value film in its most unadulterated state, emphasizing drama and narrative without the use of false filler. It's obvious to viewers of Korean dramas that these films demand a distinct strategy—in contrast to other movies, they must be enjoyed and taken in. Because of the author's and director's original approach, this suspenseful thriller is certainly worth seeing. The finale is less about actual solutions and more about your own conjectures. Do you recall the last scene from the beloved Korean film Memories of Murder?

We are the ones with flaws, not the pasta, if we buy unusual spaghetti and want it to taste and smell like hot Bawarchi biryani. Constructive criticism is acceptable if the narrative or character development is flawed. However, Kishkindha Kaandam is the epitome of immersive storytelling, engrossing audiences in its plot, characters, setting, and tragedy. Kishkindha Kaandam is a major advancement for indian film and will become more well-known in the future.


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