Do weight-bearing exercises: Weight-bearing exercises keep the bones strong by forcing the body to work against gravity. These include hiking, jogging or something as simple as climbing stairs.

Image result for Taking care of Bone health, when losing weight

Eat a balanced diet rich in calcium and vitamin D: Both calcium and vitamin D are essential for maintaining strong bones. According to experts, one can get vitamin D from sunlight or mushrooms and fortified milk. They should also consume leafy green veggies like kale and broccoli as well as fish like salmon which is a good source of vitamin D. Furthermore, much like calcium, magnesium and zinc are minerals that provide important support for bone health and density. Thus nuts, legumes and whole grains should be added to the diet.

Besides, while it may be tempting to lose weight by crash dieting and burning a lot of fat at a less amount of time doing only cardio workouts, losing weight too quickly can cause a person to lose both fat and muscle.

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