Homemade evokes nostalgia, tradition, and memories of childhood cooking aromas, family dinners filled with laughter, and the flavour of locally sourced food. We become whole when we develop bridges among cultures and populations. The love and care of those who prepare it, who all open their hearts to give you the gift of a cooked meal, is what gives homemade cuisine its greatest power. There is no flavour like home, but you can now order authentic indian food created from scratch in Chicago, New York, New Jersey, and the Bay Area.

Our Shefs are aunts, grandmothers, refugees, immigrants, stay-at-home moms, and restaurant aspirants. They stand for India's unified cuisine culture, which spans the country's southern, northern, eastern, and western regions. The best thing, though? Shefs are your neighbours, enthusiastic community members who love to cook and share their cuisine and culture with you. What distinguishes our homemade North indian dishes. More than any other indian cuisine, North indian cuisine makes use of long, slow cooking techniques. From punjab to Chetinad, each state will have its own recipes and methods.

We combine a huge number of ingredients and spices before letting them simmer for several hours. As a result, the flavours are deeper and more intense. It also encourages us to cook with greater attention because cooking is a process rather than something we can just throw together fast. When we are not stewing, we roast our vegetables, meats, and flatbreads in a tandoor over a charcoal fire, which gives them a smokey, grilled flavour.

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