If you find shopping as stress buster then read this!!!

Do you feel relaxed by shopping when you are under stress or in bad mood. If you are not averse to spending on credit or credit card for shopping, then you need to think a little. If spending on yourself reduces your stress or pain, then somewhere you are a victim of emotional spending.

Usually people eat chocolate or eat something sweet under stress because it activates some happy hormones, but if you find shopping a stress buster then you must read this news.

Emotional spending is a term that many people do not know about and hence they keep on spending on expenses and they do not even realize that they are only shopping to overcome their stress, boredom or frustration. Let us know what is this emotional spending and what are its negative effects. Also how to get out of it.

What is emotional spending?

Emotional spending means when you start shopping to improve your mood. This shopping can be of any kind without any need. From clothes to salon or gadgets to food. To put it bluntly, when it is done to reduce boredom, stress, anger or any sadness, it is called emotional shopping. Just like emotional eating.

Harmful effects of emotional spending

Such spending is harmful in many ways. Firstly, because of this you will not be able to manage your money properly. This can completely ruin your personal finances. 

Get rid of this problem 

First of all, you should decide that you will never do shopping under sadness or stress. You will spend only on need.

Make a budget for your shopping. 

When you are under stress, you can spend time with friends or watch a comedy movie. Emotional spending is actually the cause of loneliness and stress, so try to remove the reason.

When in stress, do gardening, read books or listen to a favorite song. This will give you real happiness.

Exercise by going to the gym or do yoga to relieve stress.

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