Reportedly the organization elections of bharatiya janata party are going on in Madhya Pradesh, in which a fierce competition is being seen on high profile seats. Many leaders are involved in the race for the post of city and district president on the high profile seat of ujjain, the hometown of chief minister Dr. Mohan Yadav. The consultation is going on by the MLAs in charge of Bharatiya Janata Party.
Perhaps these days, there is a lot of hustle and bustle at the bjp Lok shakti office of the religious city of ujjain regarding the post of city and district president. 24 names are being considered for the post of city and district president in Ujjain. According to Sonu Gehlot, former Chairman of ujjain Municipal Corporation, the city and district president are selected under the election process in the bharatiya janata party, but all this is done in a cordial atmosphere with consultation. This time also there are many eligible contenders in the bharatiya janata party, whose selection is going on. He also said that the name of the new president will be revealed before december 31. According to bjp leader Saudan Singh, opinion polls are going on for the names of leaders in the city and rural areas. mla Bhagwan Das Sabnani has prepared a panel of names for the city and district presidents after talking to many leaders.
Moreover according to sources associated with the bharatiya janata party, a round of opinion polls is going on in ujjain but the final seal will be put from Bhopal. The names of the city and district presidents will be announced from Bhopal. However, it is seen in bjp that the general secretary gets the command of the city and the president later. Similar equations are being seen in ujjain as well.