Before the start of maha Kumbh Mela, Uttar Pradesh chief minister yogi Adityanath on friday inaugurated the community kitchen 'Maa Ki Rasoi', in which food will be provided for just nine rupees. The Uttar Pradesh government said in a statement that the community kitchen is operated by Nandi Seva Sansthan at Swaroop rani Nehru Hospital for the people of economically weaker sections.
The statement said that the chief minister visited the hospital, where he inaugurated 'Maa Ki Rasoi' and reviewed the arrangements and served food to the people present. Nandi Seva Sansthan has started this initiative to help the economically weaker sections. people will be able to get food in the community kitchen for just 9 rupees. The food will include dal, four rotis, vegetables, rice, salad and sweets. ''
cm yogi reviewed the arrangements
After the inauguration of the community kitchen, Industrial Development minister Nand Gopal Gupta informed the chief minister about the preparation of food in the kitchen. He informed the chief minister about the quality of food, hygiene standards and other arrangements. According to Nandi Seva Sansthan, 'Maa Ki Rasoi' will prove useful for those who come to this hospital for the treatment of their loved ones and are worried about food.
Apart from the Industrial Development minister, Jal shakti minister Swatantra Dev Singh, Principal Secretary home Sanjay prasad and Jagadguru Mahamandaleshwar Santosh Das were present on the occasion. Everyone has appreciated this initiative by the state government. Getting food for Rs 9 in the community kitchen will provide relief to the economically weaker sections. With this, people will not have to worry about food. Anyone can eat a full meal by paying only Rs 9 at Swaroop rani Nehru Hospital by Nandi Seva Sansthan.