Data leaks have become a regular story these days. It has become a regular worry for many and it is okay to be a little worried about our privacy. There are few points to be known whether or if our data has been leaked or not.

'Have I Been Pwned?' is a website that asks if you've been pwned. You may find out if your data has been taken or not by entering your email or phone number. Previously, users could only search this platform using their email addresses. You may now search for your phone number in the website's search box. And the website will check whether or not your information is in the leaked database.

Personal information from 533 million facebook accounts was allegedly exposed for free online. Over 32 million user records were exposed in the United States, 11 million in the United Kingdom, and 6 million in India. A few days ago, users were thrown into a frenzy as it was revealed that the personal data of over 533 million individuals had been exposed online.

A major data breach was reported in india a few days ago. In which the personal information of about 9.9 crore indians was exposed. mobile phone numbers, bank account information, e-mail addresses, and credit card numbers were all included. The hackers claim to have exposed the data of a million indian MobiKwik customers.

To keep your date safe, follow these steps:
1. You should use a password manager or 'Strong Password.'
2. You may add an extra degree of protection by enabling two-factor verification.
3. You have the option of using a biometric password.

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