Without Knowing Pregnant, a Student gave birth in Toilet..!?

Jess Davis, a 20-year-old student studying history and politics at the university of Southampton in the UK, caused a stir when a 20-year-old college student in england gave birth to a baby in a bathroom. She had a severe stomach ache on june 11 when she was alone at home. Davis does not consider this to be the beginning of menstruation.
But due to the severity of the pain, she was unable to get up or even lie down on the bed. Meanwhile, the next day, june 12, is her birthday, so she is getting ready to take a shower and go to dinner. The situation seemed so bad that Davis had to go to the bathroom.She immediately went to the toilet with difficulty and the baby was born to her. Commenting on this, Davis said that she did not think that she would give birth at any time and that when the baby came out only, she came to know what it was. Davis said it took a long time to realize that the baby's birth was a real event.She also said that she had no obvious pregnancy symptoms and that her menstrual cycle was always irregular. She immediately called his friend Liv king on the phone. But Liv king, who thought Davis was saying this to avoid coming to the birthday party, only realized the situation when he saw the photo of the newborn baby.

Davis was told to call an ambulance immediately. She was then rushed to the nearby hospital in ambulance. The baby boy, who weighed 3 kg, was placed in an incubator. Doctors said Davis had given birth at 35 weeks and both were fine. It is noteworthy that in recent years there has been a steady increase in the incidence of childbirth worldwide.

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