Does even the slightest sound disturb your sleep?

People who have the habit of waking up from sleep even at the sound of a small noise have some problems. Here are some of the problems that come with this type of light sleep. There are people who wake up quickly. Doctors say that any type of sleep is good if it is deep. In light sleep, we wake up when we hear a small noise. This makes the person irritable. A person can stay healthy only if he sleeps for 7 to 8 hours daily. Unfortunately, some people just can't get a deep sleep no matter how hard they try. This is hazardous to their health. Work is important to us. Sleep may not be necessary. But not so with the body. Some sleep only for a short while and fall into a deep sleep. Some sleep for hours but do not experience deep sleep due to gasping, frequent urination at night, snoring, and sleepwalking. Here you can see about the problem of light sleep.
Experts say that people with mild sleep problems are more likely to suffer from diabetes. Making small noises at night repeatedly disturbs sleep. Couldn't sleep properly due to this. Sleeping less than 7 hours a day increases insulin resistance. It increases appetite. people who already have diabetes and those who want to avoid diabetes should sleep properly.

Obesity increases:
Increases hormone production in the body. It increases appetite. In this way, hunger increases and the body gains weight due to excessive food intake.
heart disease:

Depriving your body of enough sleep can increase cholesterol, blood pressure, and heart disease risk. Without adequate sleep, there is a risk of a heart attack.
high blood pressure:

High blood pressure can be a silent killer. At first, the symptoms of this disease are unknown. But the risk of heart attack is high due to this disease. Stress increases when you don't sleep properly. This stress increases blood pressure. Sleep properly.

  Tips for good sleep:

Sleep in a quiet room as much as possible if you are someone who wakes up at the slightest noise. read a book before going to sleep. Don't spend time on TV, mobile, etc. Sleep away from someone who disturbs your sleep by snoring. Avoid daytime naps. No matter how stressful the work is, make it a habit to sleep for 7 hours every day. Getting used to going to bed at a regular time can reduce insomnia.

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