Star author kona venkat once referred to pawan kalyan as his soulmate. They were regarded as thick pals in the business. However, when kona venkat gave an interview to sakshi opposing pawan kalyan right before the 2019 polls, things got ugly because kona venkat is related to a prominent ysr congress party leader. Since that time, kona venkat has been hated by pawan kalyan supporters.

Kona venkat and pawan kalyan exchanged greetings yesterday at the premiere of Pawan Kalyan's newest movie, The OG. On his social media account, Kona also posted a few of the photos he took of pawan kalyan at the occasion. However, he disabled the comments since he anticipated that pawan kalyan supporters would join the fray and start criticising him once more for his prior actions against Pawan.

President of the Jana Sena party pawan kalyan has started Janavani operations around the state to solve the problems that the people are facing. In this regard, Jana Sainikudu balaji received praise from pawan kalyan on monday for starting an innovative initiative to inform pawan kalyan about the problems in the Palnadu region in the spirit of the "Janavani-Janasena Bharosa" programme. The Jana Sena party has issued a statement in this regard.

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