There is a general talk in the film industry that most of them are very selfish and there is not really a term called relations. Every relation here is surrounded with money and success. This topic is now being attached to producer Dil Raju. The reason for this is a talk making rounds in filmnagar circles about Dil Raju’s initiative.

It is heard that Dil Raju is now planning to produce a film keeping Nithiin as the hero. The cinema circles are stating that it was Dil Raju who gave Nithiin the success break with the film ‘Dil’ and at that point Nithiin was reaching good heights as a hero. But later on, Nithiin scored consecutive flops at a record rate.


After many years, Nithiin scored a hit with ‘Ishq’ and then ‘Gunde Jaari Gallanthayyindhe’. Now, Dil Raju is reportedly approaching Nithiin for a film. Many are asking where was Dil Raju when Nithiin was going through his bad phase. Some are supporting him stating it is all about business and there is no room for charity but few others are saying Dil Raju’s credibility would have been high if he had given that push to Nithiin at that time.

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