Prince Mahesh Babu may be the top star of Tollywood and his craze is unmatched among female fans. Still one gets a feeling that he is turning jealous and even envious of his brother in law Sudheer Babu.

Sudheer made his debut SMS and though he impressed all with his lanky figure and looks, he drew flak for his diction. Sudheer later confessed that he tried the variation as he felt it was suitable for the role. Today he came with horror love entertainer Prema Kadha Chitram. He worked out his defects quite well and came out trumps. The film got good reviews and even his performance got good marks.

Now many feel Mahesh is turning jealous since a dance bit of Sudheer included in the film got tremendous response. It is a known fact that Mahesh is not a great dancer and with Sudheer stunning all with his dances, surely heat is on Prince Mahesh!

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