Bahubali means strongest man on universe. Now Rajamouli is coming with Bahubali where he is turning macho hero Prabhas as Bahubali. However Young Tiger NTR is saying he is becoming Bahubali.

Buzz is NTR is training vigorously under foreign trainers who are specially flown in from Florida to Hyderabad. John and Amber Shumate from Florida have made Hyderabad their second home for the past eight months.

Recollecting how they got into touch with NTR, John said “We had a contact in Bollywood who was working with Jr NTR for the movie Baadshah. That contact mentioned that Jr NTR was looking for a trainer for a total ‘transformation’. Amber and I were recommended and then we got in touch with the actor over phone. He liked us and we felt he was serious about his goals. So we struck a deal and arrived here in February,”

John says NTR has become more stronger and he can lift double the weights which he used to lift earlier. Buzz is in Ramayya Vastavayya he will be flaunting his six pack abs.

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