Political parties always wage bitter battles to win elections and come to power. India witnessed many controversial statements,accusations and counter accusations from various parties. 

The scenario is no different in USA where Republicans and Democrats are fighting for supremacy. It is known that Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are fighting battle to become the next president of United States. 

Donald Trump as usual is shocking all with his controversial statements and playing on the fear of many Americans in the aftermath of growing terror attacks. Hillary Clinton in the meantime is playing her experience card and trying to win them over. 

In the midst of all this Donald Trump's nude statues appeared across the country much to the shock of Trump supporters. People are thronging to see naked statues of Donald Trump in the New York City Park. 
Nude statue of Trump was first spotted in Union Suware and many passed various comments on twitter. Here are some of the tweets. 

“A nude statue of Donald Trump appeared in Union Square today. I’m not attaching a photo out of courtesy to everyone,”
“Judging by hands he put it there. Judging by penis maybe not,”
“Oh dear, what a shame! I wish I would have caught that! A statue of Trump with a very teene-tiny wiener!” 

Mae Ferguson, a Parks Department spokeswoman after removing the statues said installation of unapproved structure is illegal. 

The activist collective, a group called INDECLINE that includes artists, musicians and filmmakers, claimed responsibility and revealed that statues were placed even in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle and Cleveland. It said an artist called Ginger helped create the likeness.

They released a statement which ran "These fleeting installations represent this fleeting nightmare and in the fall, it is our wish to look back and laugh at Donald Trump's failed and delusional quest to obtain the presidency," 

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