YSRCP MLA Roja is blazing all guns taking on AP CM Chandra Babu Naidu and his government singlehandedly. Leader of the opposition, YSRCP chief Jagan is happy with Roja's ultra aggressive nature. 
In the meantime many are wondering whether AP police can tame lioness Roja. It is known that after her preventive arrest by police during National Womens Parliament in Andhra Pradesh,Roja blasted AP police for their highhandedness. 
AP Police Association though late responded to Roja's blistering attack. They warned Roja to mind her words and if not face severe consequences. They also asked her gunmen to protest her comments against DGP Sambasiva Rao by wearing black badges. 
Roja however was swift in her response. She asked AP police association to first keep in mind how DGP Sambasiva Rao behaved with her and pined out why the association was responding only when she criticised the DGP and why not earlier. 
She pointed out when Chandra Babu criticised AP police as a CM, government chief whip Chintamaneni Prabhakar even attacked police and questioned where was AP police association during that time. 

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