PM Modi emerged as the most powerful leader not in the country but also across the world. Many top nations and super powers have taken note of it and are trying to have good relations with India and PM Modi. 

However it is comingout that new president of US,Donald Trump is deceiving PM Modi. It is known that Modi and the previous US President Barack Obama shared good relations and both surprised with their bonhomie. 

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But it is comingout that Trump is spying on PM Modi and India. It is comingout that US is planning to install spytech in India. CIA contractor-turned whistleblower Edward Snowden who leaked many confidential documents, leaked another document under the sub heading 'Future Plans'. 

The Document dated Dec 11,2008 says “Plans are well advanced to install APPARITIONs at SCS sites in New Delhi, Ankara, Kuwait, and Istanbul before the end of this year.” Trump is planning to implement this document. 

SCS stands for Special Collection Service (SCS), a very secretive collaborative programme by US’ CIA and the NSA aimed at inserting eavesdropping equipment in difficult and inaccessible areas such as in foreign embassies, foreign government installations, etc.

SCS earlier set up a  unit about a mile from Osama Bin Laden’s alleged compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan.Now it is comingout that an SCS surveillance unit being set up in the embassy campus of another foreign country in New Delhi that operated under the codename DAISY. 

Sources say New Delhi collection site would have enabled much easier access to China, Afghanistan, Pakistan and other sensitive locations in the Middle East.US addressed other state agencies in Australia, Canada, Great Britain and New Zealand—member countries of the ‘Five Eyes’ programme.

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