As per report Tamilnadu government has taken a decision to procure the eggs required for the mid-day meal schemes in schools from poultry farmers directly. Meanwhile as per reports, the reform in procurement will now allow only poultry farmers to take part in the tender process for supplying eggs intended for the scheme.

Furthermore as per report the new decision also has reduced the tender period from one year to six months. Previously, the tenders were issued for one year and it allowed middlemen also to take part in it. Moreover based on the new norms, poultry farmers with more than Rs 10 crore as annual turnover for the past three years are eligible to apply. However, up to three farmers can apply together if their combined annual turnover crosses Rs 10 crore and the applicants must be capable of producing at least 1 lakh eggs a day.

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Moreover the egg procurement process of Tamilnadu was the subject of controversy recently when Union Minister Pon Radhakrishnan alleged that there was a scam worth Rs 5,000 crore in the procurement of eggs for the noon-meal scheme for government schools in Tamilnadu. Further the state government, however, had rubbished the claims of the minister and said that the IT raids were conducted for alleged tax evasion and it did not mean that there were irregularities in the supply of eggs to schools.

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