Online meal delivery service DoorDash announced on wednesday that it is firing about 1,250 people. On their personal devices, those affected received an email notification to both their personal and DoorDash email addresses. According to DoorDash CEO Tony Xu, "Anyone impacted will receive 17 weeks of severance pay, as well as your february 2023 stock vest." "This was not a decision I made lightly. Our non-headcount running costs have been cut, and we will keep doing so, but that won't be enough to cover the gap. Ultimately, I was forced to make the agonising choice to cut the size of our staff by this harsh reality "said Xu.

Additionally, healthcare benefits will be provided to employees through march 31, 2023. DoorDash will set the end date for workers in the US on a visa to march 1, 2023, giving them adequate time to look for work again. According to Xu, "We will build an opt-in directory for businesses to contact you and provide recruiting support to help you find your next job." He continued, "If you are among those impacted, I sincerely apologise and I apologise that some of you woke up to this news rather than reading it during more appropriate hours.

DoorDash was essentially a small business before Covid-19. The epidemic provided unexpected and unheard-of chances to meet the changing needs of businesses, customers, and "Dashers." "While we've always been disciplined in how we managed our business and operational metrics, we weren't as disciplined as we should have been in how we managed our team growth, even though the majority of our investments are paying off. That's my fault. As a result, operating costs increased rapidly, "", the CEO said.

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