With rain predicted, telangana, which has been suffering summer-like temperatures for the previous four days, could receive some respite. telangana had a maximum temperature of 38.6 degrees Celsius yesterday.

Rains likely in telangana from Sunday
T. Balaji, a weather enthusiast who is well-known for his precise forecasts, has predicted showers to begin on sunday in many telangana districts among summer-like temperatures.

He predicts rains in telangana from february 25 onwards. However, summer-like temperatures are expected until then.

Telangana districts witnessing summer-like temperatures
While the temperature is rising in almost every district in telangana, some are seeing highs of above 38 degrees Celsius. The telangana State Development Planning Society (TSDPS) provided the following districts' corresponding temperatures:
The accuracy of the forecast will determine whether the predicted rains bring relief from the summer-like temperatures in Telangana.

The telangana State Development Planning Society (TSDPS) has stated that summer-like temperatures have already been experienced in certain parts of the city, with particularly high low temperatures in these places.  Hyderabad is already feeling the early summer heat, with some parts of the city reaching highs of above 38 degrees Celsius. Not only may it raise summertime temperatures in hyderabad, but it can also affect crop yield and rainfall.

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