Two blood banks in hyderabad have had their licenses to sell human plasma illegally revoked by the telangana Drug Control Administration. About the illicit plasma collection ring that was raided in moosapet on february 2, the licenses of Srikara Hospital Blood Centre and New Life Educational Society Blood Centre have been revoked, officials said on Monday.
On february 2, DCA agents raided the Haemo service Laboratories, which are housed in a moosapet residential building, based on reliable information. They found a sizable supply of bags containing human plasma kept in freezers. DAC claims that a guy named R. raghavendra Naik has been running the business Haemo service Laboratories out of the flat, unlawfully gathering plasma from several blood banks and storing it for unapproved sale.
DCA officers discovered that R. raghavendra Naik of Haemo service Laboratories was the unlawful recipient of plasma sales made by Srikara Hospital Blood bank and New Life Educational Society Blood Centre, which did not follow the regulations. After conducting an urgent search on Hyderabad's two blood banks, DCA agents verified that plasma had been sold illegally to Haemo service Laboratories.
The procedure known as plasmapheresis is used in blood banks to extract plasma from whole blood that has been drawn from donors. It needs to be frozen within six hours of collection to maintain its integrity. For plasma to remain stable and avoid deterioration, it has to be kept in freezers at or below minus thirty degrees Celsius. about the illicit selling of plasma from the blood bank and other infractions identified by DCA officials about non-conformity with blood bank standards, DCA telangana sent show cause warnings to the two blood banks.

The licenses of the two blood banks have been immediately revoked in the greater public interest since the illicit selling of plasma by blood banks may hurt public health, according to DCA director General Kamalasan Reddy.
According to him, blood banks need to put strict controls in place to stop these kinds of things and guarantee the honesty of their operations.
He issued a warning, saying that anyone who break the law will face harsh consequences.


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