Water supply in some regions may be impacted on Thursday, february 22, due to maintenance work being done on the 132 KV Kandi-Peddapur feeder by the telangana State Southern Power Distribution Company Limited (TSPDCL). The purpose of this feeder, which is a component of the Singuru project, is to provide hyderabad with drinking water.

Residents in the region may anticipate partial water supply outages during the repair work, which is scheduled to take place between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm. In select places, there may be a total disruption. The goal of the maintenance program is to guarantee the feeder's dependability and effectiveness, which are essential for Hyderabad's water supply to run smoothly.
Water supply will be completely disrupted at Sheikpet Reserve, Borabanda Reserve, Lingampa Reserve, and online supply in addition to khanapur Gravity's 1200 mm main line supply. On the other side, there will be some disruptions in the water supply in Bhoja Gutta, Banjara Hills, and reserve regions. 

This is Hyderabad's first water supply interruption since February. There have been two instances of water supply disruptions in various parts of the city in the past month. The first one took place on january 3 for 24 hours, and the second one took place on january 20 for 24 hours.

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