On february 22, Hanif Sheikh, a 47-year-old evasive member of the outlawed Students' Islamic Movement of india (SIMI), was taken into custody by a special cell of the delhi Police. An identity he used as the editor of a journal under SIMI was the sole piece of information the police needed to make an arrest.
Hanif Sheikh, also known as Mohd Hanif and Haneef Hudai, is considered by the delhi police to be the most infamous and sought-after SIMI terrorist. In 2002, after fleeing for 22 years, he was labeled a proclaimed criminal. He was charged with sedition and other offenses under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act in 2001, and the New Friends Colony police station in delhi received the complaint.

Hanif Sheikh was the editor of the SIMI-published periodical "Islamic Movement," and the police claim that he was responsible for recruiting new members into the outlawed group. The name 'Haneef Hudai' printed on the magazine was the only lead the authorities had to identify him, and they were unable to do so. For four years, the Southern Range Special Cell of the delhi police had been attempting to apprehend Hanif Sheikh.

How police Traced Hanif Sheikh
Hanif Sheikh was a key participant in SIMI meetings in Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, delhi, Karnataka, and Kerala, according to the police. But every time the authorities clamped down on the operations of the outlawed group, Hanif Sheikh managed to escape their control.
The delhi Police's Southern Range Special Cell began gathering intelligence on Sheikh from several states to apprehend him. To trace Sheikh and his colleagues, the team dispersed its informants over up to seven states.
The authorities were subsequently informed by an informant that Sheikh had changed his name and was employed in an urdu school in Bhusawal, Maharashtra.

A squad was thus assembled to apprehend Sheikh from the vicinity. Hanif Sheikh was recognized by police on february 22 as the suspicious individual traveling from Mohmadin nagar to Khadka Road. police encircled Sheikh, which led to a skirmish between the two groups.
"On february 22, at around 2:30 PM, Hanif was seen making his way from Mohmadin nagar to Khadka Road. Hanif tried to flee when the team members surrounded him, but a fight resulted in his detention, according to the news agency PTI, citing Deputy Commissioner of police (Special Cell) Alok Kumar.
Nonetheless, after more than 20 years, authorities were able to apprehend the terrorist who was fleeing.

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