Shock for people on march 1...! Cylinder price hike again...!?

 LPG cylinder price for commercial use in chennai increased by Rs.23.50 today and is now selling at Rs.1960. On the 1st of every english month, various changes occur in the market. In particular, oil companies will adjust the prices of their commodities. Accordingly, prices of LPG cylinders for domestic use, LPG cylinders for commercial use, aviation fuel, etc. will be revised on 1st day of every english month. A price correction means that the price of the goods will rise, fall, or stay the same. In that sense, oil companies have not brought any change in the price of domestic cooking gas cylinders this month, which is good news for families. Especially, petrol and diesel prices have not increased for more than 650 days.
However, the price of LPG cylinders for commercial use alone has gone up by around Rs.25. Last Feb. 1 also the price of the commercial cylinder in chennai only was Rs. 50. Thus, last Feb. A commercial cylinder was being sold in chennai at Rs 1,937 from the 1st. Up by Rs 23.50 today, it is trading at Rs 1,960.50. Last January, the price increased by Rs 1.50. The increase in the price of commercial cylinders will affect traders in many ways, and the price of food available outside is also likely to rise. In the last 2 months, the commercial cylinder price has risen up to Rs 75.
The cost of a 9 kg commercial LPG cylinder varies from city to city. Also, in chennai, it is sold at a higher price than in other cities. While it is being sold at Rs 1,960.50 in chennai, it is being sold at Rs 1,795 in the capital Delhi, Rs 1,911 in Kolkata, and Rs 1,749 in Mumbai. As mentioned earlier, there is no change in the price of domestic cooking gas cylinders. It is also worth noting that the cost of domestic cooking gas cylinders varies from state to state due to local taxes. A 14.2 kg domestic cooking gas cylinder is being sold at Rs 918.50 in Chennai.Domestic cooking gas cylinders are being sold at Rs 903 in Delhi, Rs 1000 in Kolkata, Rs 902.50 in Mumbai, and Rs 905.50 in Bengaluru. oil companies have hiked not only the price of LPG cylinders for commercial use but also the price of aviation fuel. Currently, the price of jet fuel is selling at Rs 624.37 per kg. It is to be noted that these price hikes will be effective from today.

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