The Greater hyderabad Zone-TSRTC has decided to suspend bus operations between 12 noon and 4 pm due to the persistent heat wave-like circumstances in hyderabad, which have reduced people's mobility in the afternoon on city roadways, according to a press statement.
According to a TSRTC release, "The Greater hyderabad Zone-TSRTC will cut down bus operations between 12 noon and 4 pm given the hot summer and the drastic drop of public movement on roads in the afternoon." Starting on Wednesday, all routes will provide early-morning flights starting at 5 a.m. and late-night journeys starting at 4 p.m. and ending at noon for the convenience of the general public. In a release, v Venkateshwarulu, ED, Greater hyderabad Zone, was mentioned.

Good Samaritans in hyderabad have increased their efforts to tend to the stray animals in light of the city's predicted heat wave this summer. In addition to setting out the much-needed water bowls, animal welfare charities are bringing attention to the suffering of stray animals during this scorching heat. Stray animals such as dogs, cats, and cows are susceptible to heatstroke, dehydration, burned paws, and other heat-related ailments if they do not have access to water or shelter.


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