Big relief for Janasena..!? high court dismissed the petition..!?

Janasena's party got a huge relief. The high court dismissed the petition filed by the Central election commission challenging the allotment of glass symbol to the party. The janasena party got a big boost before the elections. The high court (AP High Court) on tuesday dismissed the petition challenging the allotment of glass symbol to the Janasena. The founder President of the Rashtriya Praja congress (Secular) party challenged the allotment of the glass symbol to janasena in the high court and reserved the verdict after the trial. Recently, the verdict was given in favor of Janasena. The leaders were happy about this. The Central election commission has issued an order allotting the glass symbol to the janasena party. The State election commission has been directed to allot glass symbols to the Jana Sena candidates in the general elections. In the 2019 elections, Jana Sena candidates contested on the Glass Glass symbol. Also, this time the candidates of that party will contest the election on the glass symbol.However, the Rashtriya Praja congress (Secular) party has objected to the Central election commission allotting the glass symbol to the Janasena. A petition was filed in the high court to cancel the Gaju Glass symbol allotted to that party. President of Rashtriya Praja congress (Secular) party Meda srinivas stated in the petition that they had first applied for the free symbol glass symbol. They wanted to cancel the symbol allotted to Jana Sena. The high court, which took up the inquiry, dismissed the petition and ruled in favor of the Janasena.

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