Do you know how much Pawan fought for "Gaju Glass"?

We know that pawan kalyan founded a party called janasena many years ago. As part of that, this party contested in the assembly elections of 2014. The party contested the last assembly elections alone and fielded its candidates in all the seats in the state. Otherwise, only one candidate from this party won. In the end, pawan kalyan contested from two seats and lost both. janasena leader pawan kalyan has changed his bet this time as the party suffered a huge setback last time. He thought that going alone would not work, but this time he is going to contest in an alliance with telugu Desam and BJP. As part of this alliance, the janasena party is going to contest in 21 assembly and 2 parliament seats. Everything is fine but a big check came and fell for janasena in the matter of party symbol. We know that the Jana Sena has declared glass as their symbol. Otherwise, it is not a permanent mark. Because the janasena party is not a party with a permanent identity.
This sometimes led to a situation of fighting for the mark at which the election was held. Jana Sena fought hard for the glass symbol for the upcoming assembly and parliament elections and got it. Recognized parties have no qualms about marking. But unrecognized parties have to apply for marks from time to time. Some time ago the election commission issued an advertisement for the symbols. As part of that, the election commission has announced that the person who comes first and applies for the symbol will be allotted the symbol. The janasena party applied for the glass symbol on december 12 last year. Then on december 20, the Rashtriya Praja congress also applied for the Gaju Glass symbol. The election commission allotted the glass symbol to the janasena party, which had applied earlier. With that, we applied to the Praja congress Party.
However, the election commission did not allocate the symbol to the court. After many arguments in the court, the janasena party was the first to make an application for the glass, so the glass symbol was assigned to the janasena party in the next assembly and parliament elections. janasena fought hard for the glass symbol and won.

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