The word is getting out there about the two telugu women who were arrested while trying to get their master's degree in the United States. Since disclosing their identities may put them in danger, we reported this occurrence on april 6th without giving their names. Nevertheless, several indian online journals have reported the story today and disclosed their identities along with information about their colleges.
Here's What Happened:

Police Officers Rose Kanan and Chelsea Tamborra responded to ShopRite, a grocery store in Hoboken, New jersey, at around 5:15 p.m. on march 19, 2024, in response to allegations of a shoplifter being detained by security. When they got there, they found out that shop security had seen two women from jersey City, subsequently identified as 20-year-old sindhu and 22-year-old Harishtha (names altered for privacy), paying for just two things costing $8.74 before trying to escape with 27 goods totaling $155.61. After being taken to the Hoboken police Headquarters to face shoplifting charges, the two women were released along with their summonses and court dates.

The full 24-minute interrogation tape, dubbed the "bodycam video," has been made public by the police. These telugu ladies were shown in the video attempting to persuade the police that they were not thieves, but the unpleasant and resolute female officer detained them. This may be the second time these two telugu girls have done this; it seems they did the same thing at the same business previously, which seemed to irritate the police officer, which explains her intransigence. If not, she had the option of fining them or letting them leave with a warning.

Imagine the pain this film will cause to their parents back home when it circulates. Is saving $150 worth it all? Furthermore, the arrest will follow them for the rest of their lives on their U.S. records. They will be troubled by this at every turn, whether it is with visa applications, license renewals, or security checks at certain employment. These females will always regret what they did. It's noteworthy to note that these pupils appeared brave during the interview and tried their hardest to persuade the police without crying. Even when the police officer informed them that they would be detained and sent to the station, they remained collected and unruffled.

Some MS students are caught breaking into telugu movie theatres by purchasing a hollywood movie ticket at a discounted price. They must realise that not every police officer will just issue a warning if they are discovered. Some inconsiderate cops won't give them a pass; instead, they'll arrest them and ruin their life. The onus is on these telugu or indian students who commit these small-time crimes out of idle curiosity or immaturity to ask themselves if it's truly worth it. Is this the reason they spent so much money travelling to the united states just to drown in shame?


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