Since the first election, elections and the electoral process in india have seen substantial change. local leaders were consulted in the formulation of previous electoral plans. But in the process, the present generation saw a significant change. Professional strategists and their organizations now dominate election strategy, helping parties create detailed plans that cater to specific constituencies.
Prashant Kishor, who rose to prominence in India's political scene, is frequently mentioned while discussing electoral strategists in that nation. Citizens for Accountable Governance, which Kishor founded in 2013, eventually changed its name to the indian Political Action Committee (I-PAC) in 2015. Kishor developed several electoral tactics for many parties when he was employed with I-PAC. He was crucial in molding Modi's public persona in the run-up to the 2014 election.

Sunil Kanugolu is another well-known figure in the field of electoral strategy. Initially, he was employed by the bjp in many states. However, he currently serves as the congress party's chief strategist. He was instrumental in helping the congress win in telangana and Karnataka. Other well-known election strategists in the nation include Tushar Panchal, the founder of Room Strategies, and Partha Prathim Das, the founder of the chanakya business. Political strategists used to work in secret in the past. But since prashant Kishor's time, they have taken on a prominent role in political campaigns for parties. They can attract more customers as a consequence.

These strategists and the agencies that represent them often begin working for a leader or party around six to seven months before to the elections. Data is gathered directly from the booth stage. They check the vital signs at each booth. In each community, they carry out surveys under numerous headings. They research people's needs and advise the leader on what commitments to make. They also organize his speeches and campaigns.

Social media is the main medium they employ to establish a leader's or party's brand. Generally speaking, a political strategy business assumes control of all facets of an electoral campaign for a party or leader. Political strategy firms have reportedly been assigned by about sixty parties nationwide for the 2018 elections.

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