For reasons that are better known to her than to others, actress-turned-politician Vijayasanthi is not receiving the proper respect from any of the political parties. The congress, the party she presently belongs to, is in power in telangana and the national elections are coming up soon, but she is not involved in politics.
Known by her popular name Ramulamma, she was formerly a political firebrand. She formed the Talli telangana party to achieve a separate telangana after beginning her political career by joining the BJP. Later, she combined her party with the telangana Rashtra Samiti as their ideologies aligned with her own.

She was elected as the medak MP in 2009. She left the trs and joined the congress in 2014. That year, she ran for office a second time as the medak MP candidate but lost.
She joined the bjp in 2020. Major observers claim that while she returned to congress in 2023, none of the major parties gave her the credit she deserved for her contributions.
She currently serves in Telangana's ruling congress party. She also assumed leadership roles as the congress Campaigning Committee's top coordinator and the Planning Committee's convener, but she stays out of the spotlight even as the general elections get near.

It has come to light that she had hopes of running for medak MP this time around as well, but the congress declined to provide a ticket. Although political analysts expected her to actively participate in electioneering, she was not to be found at the most recent Jana Jatara meeting, which congress MP rahul gandhi addressed. It has been discovered that she was not even invited by the organizers. There are rumours that Vijayasanthi is prepared to begin campaigning if one of the party chiefs asks him to. It remains to be seen if her services will be used by the congress leadership in the lead-up to the general elections.

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