It's no secret that the congress PARTY' target='_blank' title='ysr congress-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>ysr congress in andhra pradesh uses sakshi Newspaper and television as its mouthpieces. Sakshi's daily operations are overseen by Bharathi reddy, YS jagan Mohan Reddy's wife, in her capacity as Chairperson. sharmila declared a few days back that she owns the same amount of sakshi as Jagan. However, in Sharmila's election Affidavit, sakshi Stake (Jagati Publications Ltd and Indira television Ltd) was not mentioned. Even more unexpected is the fact that Jagan's Affidavit made no mention of it!
Sakshi was not included in Bharathi, Jagan's wife,'s investments column either. This might be due to two factors. sakshi is included in the Enforcement Directorate's Attachment. We are unsure if that is the reason it isn't included. The second reason is that to preserve Sakhi's impartiality, jagan and sharmila are most likely operating the Channel under someone else's name and do not wish to reveal their ownership or investment information.
But does it really matter? sakshi is seen by all andhra pradesh residents as the congress PARTY' target='_blank' title='ysr congress-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>ysr congress booklet. However, we would have been aware of the circumstances behind Sharmila's claim that she has an equal share in sakshi as her brother jagan Mohan reddy if they had provided a list of the specifics.


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