The River Musi Front Development project is being planned in great detail by the State government, and experts have been enlisted to create the project's overall master plan. A 55-kilometer stretch of the River Musi would be included under the master plan. This leaves off the 110 square kilometer effect zone on either side, which is one km in size. The consultants were requested by musi river Front Development Corporation last month, and submissions from candidates will probably be available on May 18.

The Blue-Green master Plan, Land Use master Plan, Infrastructure master Plan, and Financial master Plan are the four parts of the master plan preparation activity. Among the several exercises to be undertaken, the consultants would need to analyze the region's current flora and climate to provide input for the master planning and preliminary design of the delineated area. To accomplish sustainable development, they would need to incorporate additional measures beyond those mandated by government rules.

These strategies would include the use of renewable energy sources, sustainable building materials, integrated solid waste management plans, rainwater collection, water reuse, and integrated water management. The consultants would have to evaluate every previous site survey and confirm the site's delineation and project boundaries. For planned bridges or highway projects across rivers and steep embankments, they must undertake geotechnical studies, subsurface explorations, and all necessary laboratory and field testing on soil.

It is the consultants' responsibility to evaluate the current infrastructure and suggest upgrades that will allow clean and recycled water to enter River Musi. For the designated land area, they must create a thorough master plan with georeferenced cadastral maps.

The Blue-Green master Plan placed a strong emphasis on technological solutions for the river's clean or recycled water flow. methods for reducing the effects of flooding through bioengineering that stabilize river banks and encourages natural processes in flood plains. In a similar vein, preparations are underway under the Green master Plan to establish strategies for open space and landscaping in addition to beautifying. An existing road network, water features, streams, hillocks, woodlands, and other built-up features would all be highlighted on a base map that would be included in the Land Use master Plan.

Every road, bridge, and utility service would have a design basis study completed under the infrastructure master plan. A financial feasibility model would be created in the Financial master Plan by taking into account several factors, such as project structuring and development expenses.

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