Traditional investment tools like fixed deposits and post office plans are supported by prime minister narendra Modi, whose administration saw the indian economy rise from the tenth to the fifth biggest. This was disclosed in his most recent electoral affidavit, which he submitted on tuesday to run for his constituency of varanasi in the 2024 lok sabha election.
According to PM Modi's 2024 election paperwork, he has cash on hand of Rs 52,920 and moveable assets valued at Rs 3.02 crore. According to his 2024 affidavit, he does not own any property, a home, or a vehicle. According to PM Modi's 2024 election affidavit, his taxable income increased from Rs 11 lakh in 2018–19 to Rs 23.5 lakh in 2022–2023; this is more evidence of the trend.

PM Modi relies on National Savings Certificates and fixed deposits when it comes to savings and investments.
He owns fixed deposit receipts (FDRs) with the bank of india-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>state bank of india totaling Rs 2.85 crore.
PM Modi has National Savings Certificates (NSC) worth Rs 9.12 lakh.
Post offices provide a government-backed fixed-income investment program called National Savings Certificates (NSCs). According to Cleartax, it provides a low-risk profile, tax benefits under Section 80C, and an annual interest rate of 7.7%.

The NSC allows for an initial investment of Rs 1,000 and a five-year lock-in term.
About Rs 3 crore is the entire amount of FDs and NSCs that PM Modi has invested in.
The prime minister has been enticing foreign businesses to make investments in India.
He advised US corporations in june of last year that "now is the time to invest in india," stressing the significant changes the nation was going through.
According to a United Nations university document released in May, the Modi government has performed admirably on economic metrics.

"The economy was growing slowly in 2014, the year Modi took office. Investor trust in the indian economy was damaged by a string of high-profile corruption trials, according to Kunal Sen's research.
"But between 2014 and 2022, India’s gross domestic product (GDP) per capita (a measure of income per head) rose from US$5,000 to over US$7,000 — an increase of roughly 40% in eight years," it states.
Modi is a reformer who supports conventional savings and investment vehicles such as NSCs and FDs.

In his 2019 election affidavit, he also said that he had fixed deposits of Rs 1.28 crore and NSCs valued at Rs 7.61 lakh.
In his 2019 election affidavit, PM Modi said that he had invested Rs 20,000 in a tax-saving L&T Infrastructure Bond; but, in his 2024 affidavit, he made no mention of bond investments.

The electoral affidavit that prime minister Modi filed on tuesday to run for the lok sabha from varanasi included his mobile number and email address.
But the phone number isn't in WhatsApp.
The registered cellphone number on the TrueCaller app is 'PM narendra Ji'.
Prime Minister narendra Modi provided as his email address in his electoral affidavit.
PM Modi included his email address and mobile number in his last electoral papers as well.

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