In response to actor-influencer Dolly Singh's article on slim shaming, Mrunal Thakur responded beautifully. Dolly shared her experience of losing a "few good kgs" that she had accumulated over the previous four years in a lengthy instagram letter. She also talked about how she had canceled plans to see people because she was afraid they would make comments on how overweight or "lost glow" she looked. On her instagram story, Mrunal reshared Dolly's message and offered her encouragement.

Mrunal Thakur reacted to Dolly Singh's post on body shaming and wrote, "Thank you, Dolly Singh. Please count me in your safe space. I wish people fixed their souls and not bodies." To this, Dolly replied, "I met Mrunal on my way to Cannes last year at a connecting airport, and the way she took care of me and helped me Safe space from Day 1 (sic)."

As for Dolly, a part of her long instagram note can be read: "As much as I have accepted it to shapeshift every now and then, people around me don't. And the other day, as I was about to go see someone, I decided against it because I realised they're not my safe space. That I'm sure they'll have something to say about my weight. About my lost 'glow' or whatever term they'd wanna use to make me believe it's out of care ( maybe it is, but keep it to yourself unless asked). It doesn't hurt the 30 year old me, but the 13 year old? It takes me back to the bad days sometimes (sic)."

She continued, "Anyway, point is, I realised that there are only a few people and places in my life where I can go however I want to, it doesn't matter what I look like, what I am wearing or what my weighing scale says, I will receive love. My home is still not one. Maybe someday. If you could do something today, try to be someone's safespace. And count your own blessings of people in your life who don't care about the kgs fluctuating but the smiles on your face (sic)."

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