Amid lengthy lines at Regional Transport Authority (RTA) offices for car registrations, the Transport Department is investigating the idea of creating permanent registrations at the dealerships where a vehicle is acquired. The goal is to complete the registration procedure as smoothly as possible for car owners. Because this system has previously been effectively implemented in adjacent Andhra Pradesh, officials here are investigating the processes to be followed to replicate it here.

According to reports, officials are regularly gathering information on auto shops in the Greater hyderabad region, as well as registration information. The quantity of automobiles sold by each dealer is also being compiled, as is the technical skill necessary if vehicles are permanently registered at the showrooms. Currently, only Temporary Registrations (TR) are being issued for automobiles in dealerships. Although these trs are obtained from the Transport Department, car purchasers are not required to visit the RTA office for them.

The TR paperwork, as well as the car, are available at the dealership. If Permanent Registration (PR) is also moved to dealerships, motorists will be issued PR smart cards. "We're looking at the possibility and technical elements of implementation. The plan is also waiting with the government, and once the lok sabha elections are finished, work on the permanent registration system in showrooms is expected to pick up," said a Transport Department official who requested anonymity.

The central government has included various measures in the Road Safety Act to assist motorists. In 2016, guidelines were developed to help dealerships finish car registrations. Many states, including Andhra Pradesh, have made this option available to motorists.

However, in Telangana, the previous practice of acquiring TR at the dealership and subsequently obtaining PR from the regional transport office continues to be used when purchasing a car.

If the criteria are followed in the state, the vehicle will be issued a High-Security number plate as well as a PR smart card at the dealership.

According to the data, over 2,500 new automobiles were sold each day across ten RTA locations in Greater Hyderabad.

More over 1,600 are two-wheelers, while the remainder are automobiles and other vehicles.

Because each RTA office receives hundreds of permanent registrations every day, motorists frequently approach agents for online slot registration while the official inspection is completed. Officials stated that once showroom registrations are implemented, agents' unlawful actions will cease.

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