PM narendra modi received a frightening phone call..!?

Usually, celebrities and political leaders get threatening phone calls. At times some politicians actually conspire to kill. They give warnings like "We will kill, escape if you want". Recently, prime minister narendra modi received a frightening phone call. The threatening call was made to the control room of the National Intelligence Agency (NIA) office at Purasaivakam, Chennai. The identity of the assailant is not yet known, but the unidentified assailant threatened to "kill prime minister Narendra Modi" in Hindi. police sources have recently revealed about this shocking phone call.

As soon as the call was lifted, National Intelligence Agency officials were alerted. The details of that phone call as well as the details of the threat were handed over to the chennai Police. He asked them to quickly find out who made this threatening phone number and where it came from. At the request of the NIA, the cyber crime police in chennai immediately started an investigation into the matter.

Authorities are currently working to locate the exact area where the call originated. The SIM cards used in the incident are being very actively traced. They promise to catch the man soon. Who did this work is likely to be known in a few hours. At present, this phone call is creating a sensation all over India. After this phone call, narendra modi is likely to have increased security. Because the person who made that call may be a person who is planning to kill the very tough Modi. All such phone calls are taken very seriously. There is a chance to provide adequate security to avoid any untoward incidents under any circumstances.

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