Actress ileana d'cruz began her parenting adventure last year, welcoming her first child, Koa Phoenix Dolan, in August. ileana is quite active on social media, constantly sharing glimpses of her time with her little munchkin, just as she did when she flaunted her baby bulge while pregnant. Now, the actress has shared a photo of baby Koa during his trip.

Ileana took to instagram Stories to share a sweet photo of baby Koa having a do-not-disturb moment while on vacation. The snapshot shows Baby Koa resting on a couch, and it melts our hearts. In an exclusive interview with the india Herald, the new mother expressed her thoughts on whether she has come to accept her mother's guilt. The actress described mom's guilt as extremely difficult, claiming that it never truly goes away.
 Ileana D'Cruz shared a recent experience in which she was driving home and her child was screaming in the back seat. She pulled over, went back to him, held him for a while, and tried to calm him down, but the moment she put him back in his car seat, he began to scream again.

"I had to drive with him crying in the back seat for at least 10 minutes before he went to sleep because he was so tired. I got home and I cried. I cried so much, and my husband was like, ‘Listen, it's okay’. I felt like the worst parent in the world with my child crying in the back seat. But I couldn't help it. I just had to get home, because I knew the sooner I got home, the calmer he'd be. So, I feel like mom's guilt really doesn't go away,” ileana narrated.


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