Samantha was observed posting an instagram story with the slogan "All Eyes on Rafah". Nine and a half million instagram users have posted the same message on their stories. What does "All Eyes on Rafah" actually mean?
Rafah was one of the few areas in the Gaza Strip that remained unaffected by Israeli forces. Nearly a million Palestinian refugees were residing in the town, seeking safety from Israeli air attacks. This changed yesterday when the Israeli military conducted air raids on a refugee camp in Tal Al Sultan, Rafah, Gaza. While israel says that this was a Hamas facility, human rights advocates believe that numerous people, including children, were burnt alive in the assaults.

The "All Eyes on Rafah" campaign shows the grave conditions that people endure as a result of the ongoing conflict, emphasizing the necessity for the warring sides to establish a ceasefire as soon as possible. Their participation demonstrates the power of social media in raising awareness about the atrocities of a continuing conflict. 

Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on monday that a 'tragic mistake' was made after an Israeli attack in Rafah, southern Gaza, set fire to a tent camp housing displaced Palestinians, killing at least 45 people, according to sources. israel is now facing growing worldwide condemnation for its recent onslaught on Palestine, with prominent indian celebrities expressing anger at civilian casualties, including 'children that were roasted alive'.

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