The domestic stock market has witnessed a bullish trend for three consecutive weeks, culminating in a remarkable surge, especially in the previous week. Last week, both major indices, BSE Sensex and NSE Nifty, achieved new historical highs during a special trading session conducted on Saturday. This marked a significant moment for the market, as saturday trading sessions are uncommon.

The special trading session on saturday was organized for testing the disaster recovery website. During this session, the Sensex closed at 73,806.15 points, recording a rise of 1,305.85 points (1.80 percent), while the Nifty strengthened by 395.60 points (1.80 percent) to reach 22,378.40 points. Both indices attained new historical highs, with the Sensex reaching 73,819.21 points, bringing it closer to the milestone of 74,000 points, and the Nifty reaching 22,419.55 points.

In the past three weeks, the Sensex has experienced a significant gain of more than 2500 points, with last week alone witnessing a rise of 664 points. This bullish momentum is attributed to several factors, including strong GDP figures for the third quarter, where the indian economy expanded at a rate of 8.4 percent, surpassing expectations. The market was further bolstered by positive economic indicators, contributing to robust growth on both friday and Saturday.

Looking ahead, several key factors are expected to influence market movements in the coming week. Notable economic figures are anticipated, including service PMI figures. Additionally, eight new Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) are set to launch, accompanied by the listing of seven new shares. The market may also be influenced by the Foreign Portfolio Investor (FPI) sentiment, global market trends, and fluctuations in crude oil and the dollar. Investors are closely monitoring these factors as they navigate the dynamic landscape of the stock market.

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