Most people worldwide die from these 10 diseases..!?

According to the World health Center, we will see what are the common causes of global death. Millions of people die every year around the world. World's Data says 61 million people died in 2023. Although some people die of old age, millions of deaths have been reported due to chronic diseases. In 2019, the World health Organization said the top 10 causes of 55.4 million deaths worldwide were the top 10 causes of death. The causes of death can be divided into three categories; Infectious (infection and parasitic diseases and maternal, birth and nutritional conditions), infectious (chronic), and injuries. Of the 10 main causes of death, 7 of these are non-infected diseases. According to the World health Center, we will see what are the common causes of global death.

Ischemic heart disease:

In 2019, 8.9 million people died of ischemic heart disease. Ischemic heart disease occurs when the blood vessels that provide oxygen to the heart are narrow or blocked. This makes it difficult to obtain oxygen and nutrients needed for the heart, which can lead to chest pain, shortness of breath, and heart attack. The disease is mainly caused by fat and cholesterol in the arteries. The risk factors of the disease include hypertension, high cholesterol, smoking, obesity, and diabetes.

11% of people worldwide have died of stroke. Stroke occurs when brain cells lose oxygen and nutrients when blood flow to the brain is blocked or decreased. This can occur due to obstruction in the blood vessels (ischemic stroke) or a hemorrhagic stroke. When brain cells do not receive adequate oxygen, they may die, which can lead to brain damage and affect various body functions. Sudden numbness or weakness in the face, hands, or legs, confusion, difficulty in speaking or understanding, one or both eyes, dizziness, and severe headaches are signs of stroke.
Chronic lung blocked:

The World health Center said that 6% of world deaths are caused by chronic lung clogging. The disease makes it difficult to breathe. It is often caused by smoking, however, it may also be a cause of exposure to other irritations, such as air pollution or chemicals. Symptoms include coughing, shortness of breath, shortness of breath and chest tightness.

2.6 million lives globally due to respiratory infections in 2019. Low respiratory infections affect the lungs and airways, often causing symptoms such as coughing, shortness of breath, chest pain, and difficulty in breathing. These infections can be caused by viruses, bacteria, or fungi, and there are common examples of pneumonia and bronchitis. Viral infections such as fever, and respiratory synchronization virus (RSV) can cause low respiratory infections, especially for children and the elderly. pneumonia may be very severe.

The conditions of the newborn baby:

Health problems that affect newborns are usually within the first month of life. These conditions may be more serious problems such as jaundice, such as jaundice, such as the first respiratory disorder syndrome (RDS). Due to these problems, 2 million children have died worldwide. Children have a problem with breathing due to unpopular lungs. These include birth defects, low birth weight, and premature birth.
Bronchitis and lung cancer:

1.8 million people worldwide have died due to bronchitis and lung cancer. The bronchial, the nose, and the mouth carry the air from the nose, while the bronchi are the large tubes that move from the bronchi to the lungs. lung cancer can develop in these areas, often due to exposure to harmful substances such as smoking or radon gas. Symptoms include continuous coughing, chest pain, shortness of breath, and cough blood.

Alzheimer disease:

It is seventh of the reasons for the highest death worldwide. Alzheimer's disease is a progressive brain disorder that affects memory, thought, and behavior. It gradually destroys brain cells, causing problems such as loss of memory, confusion, language, and difficulty in decision-making. Also leads to personality and mood changes.

Diarrhea diseases:

The World health Organization said 1.5 million deaths in 2019 were caused by diarrhea. These include common problems characterized by frequent exit of stools or diarrhea. These often cause viruses, bacteria, or parasites, and can affect the digestive system through contaminated food or water. Stomach cramps, nausea, vomiting, and diabetes are symptoms. Poor hygiene and health procedures in developing countries contribute to the spread of diarrhea diseases.


Since 2000, diabetes has seen a significant increase in 70%. diabetes has entered the top 10 causes of death worldwide. A chronic condition of the body to controls the amount of sugar in the blood is called diabetes. It is classified as Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. The immune system does not produce insulin or produce insulin in Type 1, which affects the cells that produce insulin. Type 1 diabetes often starts in childhood, while type 2 is very common for adults. The disease is caused by lifestyle factors such as obesity and exercise.

Kidney disease:

1.3 million lives died in 2019 due to kidney diseases. These diseases affect the kidneys, and the kidneys are infected with the task of filtration of waste and excess fluids from the blood. The disease is caused by a variety of factors, ranging from infections to chronic conditions such as diabetes and hypertension.

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