'Super' yoga poses that make the lungs strong..!?

Modern lifestyles and air pollution take a toll on our lungs. lung health, which is the source of breath, is essential to protect. In this case, you can learn about some yoga asanas that strengthen the lungs. Modern lifestyles and air pollution take a toll on our lungs. lung health, which is the source of breath, is essential to protect. In India, the number of people suffering from lung disease is four. From five percent to six. The data shows an increase of 4%. If the lungs become weak, shortness of breath, lung-related diseases, asthma, etc. will increase. And for those who smoke, the lungs can be severely affected. In this case, you can learn about some yoga asanas that strengthen the lungs. yoga poses can help a lot in keeping the lungs healthy and strong. Several studies have shown that regular yoga practice improves lung function.

Bhujangasana is an important asana performed in surya Namaskar. To perform this asana, one should first lie on the stomach, rest both hands on the floor, lift the head, and do breathing exercises as if taking a picture of a snake. Bhujangasana works the chest, neck, and shoulders while improving lung health. When the chest is well spread, deep breathing is possible. Due to this, more oxygen is supplied to the blood, and the body also gets refreshed. Take a deep breath in Pujangasana and count from one to 15. Then, while exhaling, lower the head and chest.

Ustrasana is the asana of camel position. In Usrasana as in Pujangasana, the lungs are well expanded and the body gets a lot of oxygen. This asana, performed by bending the middle of the body backward, not only strengthens the chest but also the hips. The spinal cord also causes phenomenology. To perform Ustrasana, first, stand on your knees. Then bend the body, slowly lean back, and hold the heel with the hand. Now tilt the head and back and go as low as possible.

Another asana that helps to strengthen the lungs is the Trikonasana. This asana is called asana because it looks like a triangle when performed. This asana stimulates not only the lungs but also all the nerves in the body, making the body more active. To perform the asana, first sit with the legs wide apart and while inhaling, bend down and touch the left leg with the right hand. Similarly, return to the normal position and touch the right leg with the left hand. The space between the two feet should be 45 inches when keeping the feet wide apart. If not there should be at least a 30-inch gap. Also, it is important not to move the hips while doing this asana.

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