How to protect your children from heat waves? Here are some tips for parents.

Parents can protect their children from heat waves by following some simple steps. As the summer heat is burning all over the country, people are struggling to cope with the intense heat. The indian Meteorological Department has also warned that heat waves will hit many places from april to June. Therefore, the public health department has advised that people should avoid going out during the day, especially between 12:00 and 4:00.Experts warn that children should take extra care during the summer holidays as the heat rises in this environment. Because of extreme heat, children are more at risk because their body weight is higher in water.

During heat waves – dehydration occurs quickly as the body loses more water than it can take in. Since the sweat glands of children are not fully developed, this can cause some problems in regulating body temperature compared to adults. Another reason children are at greater risk during heat waves is their body size. Children are more likely to absorb heat as their bodies overheat. Children are more physically active. This especially includes going outside and playing. However, parents can protect their children from heat waves by following some simple steps.

Continuous hydration:

Encourage your children to drink water often and carry water bottles with them when they go outside. At the same time, limit the intake of sugary and artificially carbonated soft drinks.

Light clothes

Fabrics like cotton and linen help keep the body temperature cool. Choose these natural, light fabrics for your kids.

Minimize going out

Encourage indoor activities during the hottest parts of the day. Hats, caps, and umbrellas can be used to reduce direct exposure to outdoor activities.

Seeking medical attention

Consult a medical professional immediately if symptoms such as headache, breathing problems, dizziness, or decreased urination occur. Also, educate children about such symptoms and teach them to share discomfort due to heat exposure

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