Clove oil

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This has remarkable bacteria- killing properties. It also has a numbing effect, and that is why it is a longtime primitive remedy for toothache. Apply some clove oil directly on the paining tooth. It gives immediate relief from pain.


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Cloves also have a numbing effect. Place a few whole cloves in the mouth, and let them moisten until they soften. Bite them with the non-hurting molars to release their oil, and then press the softened cloves against the painful tooth for about half an hour. Cloves are also an extremely popular remedy for toothache, tooth infection, or tooth abscess.

Salt Water 

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Salt water cleanses the area around the tooth and draws out some of the fluid that causes swelling. Mix a teaspoon of salt into a glass of warm water and rinse the mouth for 30 seconds before spitting it out.


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Garlic is the most popular of home remedies for tooth ache that has been passed down for years to get relief from toothache. Apply crushed garlic or powdered garlic over the painful tooth.


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Fresh piece of cucumber can be used as a natural cure for toothache by placing it on the sore tooth. The cold piece of cucumber provides fast relief to the intolerable toothache. This should not be used on sensitive teeth. Alternatively, mashed cucumber mixed with salt can also be applied on the painful area.

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