The political action movie GodFather, starring megastar chiranjeevi, will be released on october 5th. satya Dev, who is currently working on a number of projects, will play an antagonist in the film. satya dev claims that having the chance to collaborate with his matinee idol chiranjeevi is a dream come true for him. I was utterly lost and couldn't believe my good fortune when annayya summoned me to his filming location and told me the narrative. I declined his request to see lucifer since I didn't want to.

At first, I didn't realise how serious and accountable the character was. However, as soon as I began to comprehend the character, the tension began to build. In addition to a few other essential scenes, the actor predicts that the movie's two biggest highlights will be the fight at the end and the intermission bang. Some people raised scepticism about satya dev playing the major antagonist. "I firmly assert that I fulfilled the requirements of my position and will uphold the standards. I won't let chiranjeevi down because I love him. I am completely aware of my abilities. satya dev claims that after observing Chiranjeevi's off-screen attitude, his regard for him has grown.

He is an extremely disciplined individual. He is more animated than the set's youngest member. On sets, he's like a livewire. Throughout the session, he provided me with some insightful advice. salman khan is described as being cool by satya Dev. "Despite being a superstar, he gets along with everyone easily." He also praised filmmaker Mohan Raja for his masterful scripting of villain roles and clarity in character designing for actors.

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