Hollywood stars are too busy that they don't have time to spend for their education and also they are ready to take on their career rather than running for a graduate degree. Because it is a entertainment field there will never be a drop down if you perform well, but aiming for your studies and completing them is a best part of life.  Almost 70% of Hollywood stars are not educated and they are ready to admit it, but Emma Watson who valued education than films started her education skipping her films for a while. She is very popular for her Harry Potter series and she speaks about getting graduated from Brown university. "I guess everyone in their freshman year is nervous and figuring it all out. I think people kind of took pity on me. She’s English, she doesn’t really know where she’s going. And Brown were weirdly protective of me. “They saw it as their role to help me have that experience. I can’t really explain it,” Watson said. 

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