Avengers - Age of Ultron opened to sensational collections in India today. However a technical error on Disney's part cancelled the shows of the movie in many parts of the country. This edition of the film is an overload of eye-popping action sequences featuring an all-star team of superheroes, plus a couple of new entrants with unique powers. 

The movie has Thor (Chris Hemsworth), Natasha/Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson), Bruce Banner/The Hulk (Mark Ruffalo), Steve Rogers/Captain America (Chris Evans), Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner), Tony Stark/Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.) along with two new additions - the twins Pietro and Wanda Maximoff (Aaron Taylor-Johnson and Elizabeth Olsen)

Age of Ultron will shatter all box office records

However the reports are emerging that the movie does not bind you to the seats as much as the previous edition at any rate. The director Joss Whedon had chosen the  thrill-a-minute approach but the film ends up to be devoid of soul. The movie will have the style and action but misses the substance. But given the hype and enegma over the super heroes film, The Avengers Age of Ultron will shatter all box office records

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