Is she aishwarya Rajinikanth's Benami..!? Shocking..!

A woman named Iswari, who worked at the house of Superstar Rajinikanth's daughter aishwarya Rajinikanth, stole several lakhs worth of jewelry. aishwarya Rajinikanth, the elder daughter of superstar Rajinikanth, filed a sensational complaint at the Thenampet police station on the 9th of last month. It stated that the gold and diamond jewelry kept in her locker had gone missing. She also mentioned that she has not opened this locker for the last 3 years and three people working in her house know where the key to the locker is.
Also, the locker was not broken and the jewelry was taken with the key. As the key was kept in the same place, the police guessed that people who are familiar with this jewelry locker may have taken it, and continued to conduct an intensive investigation on the three people working at aishwarya Rajinikanth's house. During this investigation, while checking the recent bank account details and assets of the trio, it was revealed that Iswari had pledged jewelry in excess of her income, received the money through the bank account, and bought a house for around one crore.It was also discovered that she had staged the robbery along with a driver at aishwarya Rajinikanth's house. Following this, the police arrested Iswari and not only recovered the property deed but also seized 20 pounds of jewelry from her. It is also said that investigations are going on in the shop where she pawned. When her husband found out that Ishwari had unusually high cash flow, when asked how she suddenly got so much property, a house, and money, Ishwari said that she is aishwarya Rajinikanth's Benami and this is not in her name and she do not own it. aishwarya is the owner of this. It is said that Iswari told this during the investigation. It seems that not only Ishwari was followed but also from the driver Venkatesan, about one hundred pieces of jewelry were seized.

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